Monday, February 23, 2009

How Technology Is Changing The Face Of Business

     In recent times of economic difficulty, many people have become concerned about job security.  It has become increasingly obvious that many employees are being seen as obsolete - lacking the skills needed to satisfy their employers. In the last few decades, technology has transformed the way corporate America does business. It has allowed major companies, as well as small proprietorship's, to become smarter and more efficient entities. It is no secret that computers and automated systems have begun to take over many areas of business, but a more interesting trend is the way it has transformed the way businesses grow.

     Businesses are no longer involved in a game focused solely on the retention dollars and cents. Today, some things are worth more to a business than a new product line or impressive fiscal year. Technology has opened the door to many previously misunderstood treasuries of wealth. A savvy marketer at a company of any size can wield the power of technology to understand customers in ways that previous generations could only imagine. There are thousands of variables attached to each individual in this world, variables that if used properly will mold the business plan of a company to become more successful - making this information extremely valuable. 

     We joke that 'Big Brother' is watching us, and we imagine this as some government entity bent on controlling the population and monitoring our crimes. However, it's the businesses that want to sell us things that are really watching us. So much of our daily life is being tracked and analyzed by companies. Every website we visit, and the length of our visit says something about our desires. Every phone call or text message says something about our need for different data plans. That survey you took for 'fun' on facebook last week told Paramount everything they needed to know about how to sell their new movie to you. That survey you took was compiled into a plethora of complicated information and statistics that are unbelievably valuable to a company looking for someone to target. You.

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